The ATLANTIC CITY SALTWATER ANGLERS CLUB is a fishing and social club that is open to everyone from all walks of life and all levels of experience from beginners to life long fishermen. We are open to all styles of fishing and our club is made up of a good mix of boat owners, surf fishermen, kayak anglers, party and charter boat fishermen.
Typically, our meetings are the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm at various venues. Please feel free to come to a meeting and see what the club is all about. You will definitely make some new friends and fishing opportunities.

Leon Checinski
Melissa Martinez

President and Founder
Club Mascot
Club fees are only $45 for a calendar year.
Kids under 16 join for free.
Seniors over 65 pay $35.
Typical annual payments are due by January 30.
Pro Rated fees will be considered for membership requests from October of a calendar year.
Club fees help pay for club meetings, parties, awards and give always.
​New members receive a free club decal and a membership card.
Members get access to the clubs private FaceBook page.
Members are invited to all club functions.